Methanol burns in oxygen to make carbon dioxide and water. The equation is exothermic, with 1452kJ/mol. of energy being released.

methanol+oxygen=carbon dioxide+water
2CH3OH + 3O2 = 2CO2 + 4H2O

-molar mass of methanol=32g/mol. Use the value to calculate the energy release when 4g of methanol is burned.

1452 kJ for 2 mol or 2 x 32 = 64 g.

1452 kJ x 4/64 = ??

To calculate the energy release when 4g of methanol is burned, we need to use the molar mass of methanol to convert grams to moles.

First, let's calculate the number of moles of methanol in 4g.
Molar mass of methanol = 32g/mol
Number of moles of methanol = Mass / Molar mass

Number of moles of methanol = 4g / 32g/mol
Number of moles of methanol = 0.125 mol

Now that we know the number of moles of methanol, we can use the balanced chemical equation to determine the energy release.

According to the balanced chemical equation provided:
2CH3OH + 3O2 = 2CO2 + 4H2O

From the equation, we know that for every 2 moles of methanol burned, 1452 kJ of energy is released. Therefore, we can set up a ratio to find the energy release for 0.125 mol of methanol.

2 mol of methanol:1452 kJ
0.125 mol of methanol: x kJ

x = (0.125 mol of methanol * 1452 kJ) / 2 mol of methanol

Calculating the value of x:
x = (0.125 * 1452) / 2
x = 91.5 kJ

Therefore, when 4g of methanol is burned, the energy release is 91.5 kJ.