After a rock layer is eroded, which additional event must occur to create an unconformity, or a gap in the geologic record?

a. an earthquake or motion along a fault.
b. new deposits of sediment must build up on the eroded area.
c. folding of sedimentary rock layers.
d. a volcanic eruption.


Sam- Get your nose out of other peoples business. Why are you here?? And it's "allowed" not "aloud"…..

This had been 0 help

Sam why are u here if u don't need help,huh? and i don't know the answer i'm sorry are literally, the most annoying person I've ever seen in my life....S H U T U one cares about you or your for the question, I'm pretty sure it's C

After rock is eroded what additional events must occur to create unconfonity

the answer is c

The answer is not A. That is all I will help with. You are not aloud to use outside help when doing a test.