What percent of water is not easily accessible or usable on earth?

*A. .6%
B. 12.5%
C. 50%
D. 99%

Subtract the answer from the last question from 100%. What does the remainder represent and what are the sources of this percentage of water?

A. 97% rivers only
B. 1% lakes, rivers and ground water
*C. 99.4% lakes only
D. 50% atmosphere and soil moisture

Thank You.

Then it would have to be the opposite of what I am thinking - 99% for the first question and 1% for the second....right?



Right. Questions written in the negative are always tricky. <g>

Thank you very much.

One more question ms. Sue:

Would that mean that oceans/saltwater, glaciers, ice caps, ice and snow are all unusable sources of water?


You're welcome.

To find the percentage of water that is not easily accessible or usable on Earth, we need to subtract the answer from the previous question (which states that 99% of water is not easily accessible or usable) from 100%.

So, 100% - 99% = 1%. The remainder of 1% represents the percentage of water that is easily accessible or usable on Earth.

Now, let's move on to the sources of this 1% of usable water. According to the given answer choices:

A. 97% rivers only: This is not correct because rivers alone do not account for the entirety of usable water on Earth.

B. 1% lakes, rivers, and groundwater: This is not correct either, as this option suggests that all usable water comes solely from lakes, rivers, and groundwater. This is an oversimplification and does not cover all sources of usable water.

C. 99.4% lakes only: This is also incorrect, as it suggests that nearly all usable water comes exclusively from lakes. While lakes are a significant source of usable water, they do not represent 99.4% of it.

D. 50% atmosphere and soil moisture: This is the correct answer. The remaining 1% of easily accessible or usable water on Earth comes from the atmosphere and soil moisture combined. This water exists in the form of water vapor in the atmosphere and as soil moisture present in the top layer of the Earth's soil.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. 50% atmosphere and soil moisture.