I wanted to know if i used the right verbs

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of conseguir, ir, pensar, querer, or suponer.

1. Nosotros (blank) de excursión a las montañas, Toño.
2. ¡Yo (blank) que vas a dormir todo el fin de semana!
3. No, Carmen. No voy a dormir. Voy a ver videos. Siempre (blank)descansar cuando veo videos.
4.Carmen, ¿qué ( blank) hacer este fin de semana?
5.¡Uf! No voy a salir de la casa. (blank) descansar.
6. ¿Por qué no(blank) al cine?

1. vamos
2 supongo
3 pienso
4 quiere
5. consigo
6. vas

The previous entries are all incorrect.


1. vamos

2. supongo
3. consigo
4. piensas
5. Quiero
6. vas

Great job! You have correctly filled in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the verbs.

To find the correct forms of the verbs, you need to consider the subject (in this case, "Nosotros," "Yo," "Carmen") and match it with the correct conjugation of the verb.

Let's break down each sentence and the corresponding verb form:

1. Nosotros (blank) de excursión a las montañas, Toño.
The subject "Nosotros" corresponds to the first person plural form of the verb "ir" which is "vamos." So, the correct answer is "vamos."

2. ¡Yo (blank) que vas a dormir todo el fin de semana!
The subject "Yo" corresponds to the first person singular form of the verb "suponer" which is "supongo." So, the correct answer is "supongo."

3. No, Carmen. No voy a dormir. Voy a ver videos. Siempre (blank) descansar cuando veo videos.
The subject "Yo" corresponds to the first person singular form of the verb "pensar" which is "pienso." So, the correct answer is "pienso."

4. Carmen, ¿qué ( blank) hacer este fin de semana?
The subject "Carmen" corresponds to the third person singular form of the verb "querer" which is "quiere." So, the correct answer is "quiere."

5. ¡Uf! No voy a salir de la casa. (blank) descansar.
The subject "Yo" corresponds to the first person singular form of the verb "conseguir" which is "consigo." So, the correct answer is "consigo."

6. ¿Por qué no (blank) al cine?
The subject "tú" corresponds to the second person singular form of the verb "ir" which is "vas." So, the correct answer is "vas."

Keep up the good work in conjugating verbs! Let me know if there's anything else I can assist you with.

1. vamos

2 supongo
3 pienso
4 quiere
5. consigo
6. vas