Which of the following cells lacks mitochondria?

a. neutrophil
b. platelets
c. basophils
d. erythrocytes

I just need some assistance and assurance that my answer is reasonable.
I'm thinking that the answer is d. erythrocyte because it is not a true cell. I know that the leukocytes are true cells which include the neutrophil and basophil. Platelets are just fragments of megakaryocytes.

Your reasoning is correct! Out of the options given, the cell that lacks mitochondria is d. erythrocyte. Erythrocytes, also known as red blood cells, do not have mitochondria. This is because they require maximum space to carry oxygen and lack many organelles, including mitochondria. Neutrophils, basophils, and platelets all have mitochondria since they are all true cells involved in various functions in the body. So, your answer of d. erythrocytes is reasonable.

You are correct, the answer is d. erythrocytes. Erythrocytes, also known as red blood cells, lack mitochondria. This is because they primarily function to carry oxygen throughout the body and therefore do not require energy production through cellular respiration.

To determine this answer, you can look at the specific characteristics and functions of each cell type:

a. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell and are considered true cells. They do contain mitochondria as they are involved in various immune responses, including phagocytosis to engulf and kill bacteria.

b. Platelets are cell fragments derived from megakaryocytes and do not have a nucleus. While they do have some metabolic processes, like releasing clotting factors, they lack mitochondria.

c. Basophils, another type of white blood cell, are also considered true cells and contain mitochondria. They are involved in the inflammatory response and can release substances like histamine.

Based on these considerations, it becomes apparent that d. erythrocytes are the cells lacking mitochondria. Your reasoning is valid, as erythrocytes are not considered "true" cells because they lack a nucleus and other organelles to make room for more space to carry oxygen.