Which word should be used?

The most dissatisfied citizens were we/us residents of the Tremont neighborhood.


"We" is a predicate nominative after the linking verb "were." It must be in the subjective case.

What about these?

They found a place where Bonnie and him/he could get better.

Is it he since it is an indirect object or him because it is a predicate pronoun?

He is correct.

"Bonnie and he" are the subjects of the verb "could get."

An easy way to see that is to omit "Bonnie and."

They found a place where he could get better.

To determine whether to use "we" or "us" in the sentence, you need to identify the role of the pronoun in the sentence - whether it is functioning as the subject or the object.

In this case, the phrase "were we/us residents" is the subject of the sentence, which means the pronoun should be in the subjective form. Here's an explanation of how to determine the correct form:

1. Subjective Form: "We" is the subjective form of the pronoun, used when the pronoun is functioning as the subject of the sentence. It is used to indicate that "we/us residents" are performing the action in the sentence.

Example: "We residents were dissatisfied."

2. Objective Form: "Us" is the objective form of the pronoun, used when the pronoun is functioning as the object of a verb or preposition. It is used to indicate that an action is being done to "us residents."

Example: "The dissatisfied citizens nominated us residents."

Based on this analysis, the correct word to use in the sentence is "we." Therefore, the sentence should read:

"The most dissatisfied citizens were we residents of the Tremont neighborhood."