
By the time people reach young adulthood, they have an idea of what causes them stress. The text discusses several sources of stress. What sources of stress did the text identify of which you were previously unaware? Has your reading helped you identify any new sources of stress? If so, how could you deal with these?


Stress is a symptom that totally affects your whole body and your mind. Stress is caused primarily by work and financial problems. On the contrary, stress is not easily confronted, either by prescription or psychiatric treatment. Human being in general, encounters stress throughout their life. In essence, stress can be related to a number of personal issues. The reasons and the causes of stress can usually be arranged into different categories such as physical, mental and social.

After reading several sources of stress discussed in the text, I came to the conclusion, that the type a behavior is one of the sources of stress that I was previously unaware. This type of stress can very often lead to coronary heart disease, resulting from insecurity and low self-esteem. So far, this reading has helped me identify new sources of stress such as irrational beliefs and type a behavior.

When completing the reading, I was moved to do further research into this subject and I have concluded that stress unlike other diseases of the mind is pervasive and strike human beings who are totally unaware of its effect. This further reading, are so astounding that the general public thought the world is not aware that they suffer stress. Dealing with stress requires professional treatment and nothing else. Also, the only way to have no stress is to be religiously calm like the Buddha, monks for example.

I read as far as your third sentence and stopped.

"Human being in general, encounters stress throughout their life."

I corrected this sentence this morning in your post of last night. Since you haven't incorporated my correction in your "revised" answer, I assume you've either not read my correction or you've chosen to ignore it.

I'm happy to help you -- but you must meet me half way, Rose.

Ms. Sue,

I read the post from last night, however, I made a few changes and elaborate more.

Please let me know. Thank you.

But you didn't change the grammatically incorrect sentence that I fixed for you.

I can't believe that you value my judgment.

On the contrary, I highly value your judgment that is the reason why, I always write your name in my post.


Stress is a symptom (IS STRESS A SYMPTOM OR A CAUSE?) that totally affects your whole body and your mind. Stress is caused primarily by work and financial problems. (WHAT ABOUT PERSONAL PROBLEMS WITH BOYFRIENDS, GIRLFRIENDS, SIBLINGS ANDOTHER FAMILY MEMBERS? THESE WOULD PROBABLY BE CATEGORIZED AS "PERSONAL PROBLEMS.") On the contrary, ("CONTRARY" TO WHAT? WHAT IS IT IN CONTRAST TO?) stress is not easily confronted, either by prescription or psychiatric treatment. Human being("S" TO MATCH PLURAL PRONOUN LATER IN THE SENTENCE.) in general, encounters (DELETE "S") stress throughout their life. In essence, stress can be related to a number of personal issues. (SEE SECOND SUGGESTION.) The reasons and the causes of stress can usually be arranged into different categories such as physical, mental and social.

After reading several sources of stress discussed in the text, I came to the conclusion, (NO COMMA) that the type a (CAPITAL) behavior is one of the sources of stress that I was previously unaware. This type of stress can very often lead to coronary heart disease, resulting from insecurity and low self-esteem. (DO THESE ACTUALLY CAUSE HEART DISEASE?) So far, this reading has helped me identify new sources of stress such as irrational beliefs and type a (CAPITAL) behavior.

When completing the reading, I was moved to do further research into this subject and I have concluded that stress unlike other diseases of the mind is pervasive and strike human beings who are totally unaware of its effect. (NEEED TO REWRITE THIS SENTENCE INTO TWO SENTENCES.) This further reading,(NO COMMA) are (YOU HAVE SINGULAR NOUN WITH A PLURAL VERB.)so astounding that the general public (SINGLUAR) thought ("THROUGHOUT"?) the world is not aware that they (PLURAL) suffer stress. Dealing with stress requires professional treatment and nothing else. (THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO TREAT STRESS?) Also, the only way to have no stress is to be religiously calm like the Buddha,("BUDDHIST MONKS") monks for example. (LIFE IS FULL OF VARIOUS DEGREES OF STRESS. BUDDHIST MONKS CAN REDUCE OR MINIMIZE THEIR STRESS, BUT THEY STILL HAVE STRESS. THE ONLY WAY TO HAVE "NO STRESS" IS TO BE DEAD.)


(By using captials to respond to you does not mean that I am shouting. It is just much easieer — and less stressful — than going through the manipulations I need to do for italics or boldfacing.)

You need to learn to proofread your own work before you submit it to us. Again, here are my suggestions to do your own proofreading.

In the future, if nobody is available to proofread your work, you can do this yourself. After writing your material, put it aside for a day — at least several hours. (This breaks mental sets you might have that keep you from noticing problems.) Then read it aloud as if you were reading someone else's work. (Reading aloud slows down your reading, so you are less likely to skip over problems.)

If your reading goes smoothly, that is fine. However, wherever you "stumble" in your reading, other persons are likely to have a problem in reading your material. Those "stumbles" indicate areas that need revising.

Once you have made your revisions, repeat the process above. Good papers often require many drafts.

To clarify some of my comments, here are the two articles I referred you to previously:

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To identify sources of stress and deal with them effectively, it is important to gather information and understand your own personal experiences. Here are some steps you can take:

1. Self-reflection: Take some time to reflect on your own experiences and identify situations or events that have caused stress in your life. Consider any patterns or recurring themes that may contribute to your stress levels.

2. Research: Read articles, books, or reliable online sources that discuss the different sources of stress. This can help you gain an understanding of the various factors that can contribute to stress, both known and unknown to you. The text you mentioned can be a starting point, but it's always helpful to gather information from multiple sources.

3. Expand your knowledge: Look beyond what you've already read by exploring different aspects of stress. This can include topics such as stress management techniques, coping strategies, and stress-related disorders. The more you learn, the better equipped you will be to identify and address sources of stress in your life.

4. Seek professional help: If you are experiencing significant levels of stress, it is advisable to seek professional help. A psychologist or therapist can help you identify the sources of stress, develop coping mechanisms, and provide support in managing stress effectively.

5. Develop healthy coping strategies: Once you have identified new sources of stress, it is important to develop healthy coping strategies. This can include exercise, relaxation techniques (such as deep breathing or meditation), engaging in hobbies or activities you enjoy, building a strong support network, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Remember, everyone experiences stress differently, so it's important to find strategies that work best for you. Regular self-assessment, self-care, and seeking support when needed are key in dealing with stress in a healthy and effective way.