anything about their origin..eho said them maybe for the first time or something like that.i have the list of ritish idioms but i need some theory

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are 2 sites for you online:

The origin of many idioms is often difficult to pinpoint because they evolve over time and are passed down through generations. However, some idioms can be traced back to specific historical events, famous literature, or even popular culture.

To understand the origin of British idioms, you can start by researching their historical backgrounds and cultural contexts. The two links provided earlier can be helpful resources for this purpose. Wikipedia is a good starting point, offering a list of British idioms along with brief explanations. also provides information on various British idioms, their meanings, and examples of their usage.

Once you have identified specific idioms of interest, you can conduct further research by looking for their origins in literature, historical documents, or even through anecdotal evidence. For example, some idioms may have originated from Shakespearean plays, while others may have been coined by famous British authors. Exploring the cultural context in which these idioms were used can give you insights into how they were first introduced into the language.

Remember that while these resources can provide a general understanding of the origins of idioms, it is essential to cross-reference and verify information from different sources to ensure accuracy. Additionally, language is constantly evolving, so the exact origins of some idioms may remain unclear.