Calculate the current required to transfer 0.015 mols of electrons in a time of 20 min

amperes x seconds = coulombs.

95,486 coulombs = 1 mol electrons.

What am I doing wrong?

If a current of 54 A flows into a cell for 45 minutes 30 s, determine the mass of chronium deposited.

My answer:
54 x 2730 s = 147420


= 1.52 mols

m = n x M

=1.52 x 52
= 79.5

To calculate the current required to transfer a certain amount of charge, we can use the equation:

I = Q / t

I is the current in amperes (A)
Q is the charge in coulombs (C)
t is the time in seconds (s)

First, let's calculate the total charge (Q) in this case.
Given that we want to transfer 0.015 moles of electrons, we need to convert it to the total charge.

1 mole of electrons = 6.022 x 10^23 electrons
0.015 moles of electrons = 0.015 x 6.022 x 10^23 electrons

Now, we need to determine the charge carried by one electron, which is the elementary charge, denoted as "e" and is approximately 1.602 x 10^-19 coulombs.

The total charge (Q) can be calculated by multiplying the number of electrons by the elementary charge:

Q = (0.015 x 6.022 x 10^23) x (1.602 x 10^-19)

Once we have the value of Q, we can proceed to calculate the current (I) using the formula mentioned above.

We need to convert the given time of 20 minutes into seconds:

t = 20 min x 60 s/min

Finally, substitute the values into the formula:

I = Q / t

Calculate Q and substitute the value of t to find the current required.