Marshall has $1.25 in dimes, d, and nickels, n, in his pocket. Which equation could be solved to find the possible combinations of dimes and nickels Marshall has?

please help me with this

would it be 75=10D+5N

What are your choices?

What is your answer?


75 = 10d + 5n

75 = 10d ยท 5n

75 = dn

75 = d + n

None of them.

The answers don't match the question.

In addition, I'd use 0.10 and 0.05 and 1.25

Assuming there's a typo, and the amount is $0.75 instead of $1.25, you original equation was fine.

To find the possible combinations of dimes and nickels that Marshall has, we need to set up an equation.

Let's break down the problem. We know that Marshall has $1.25 in total.

The value of each dime is $0.10, so the value of dimes can be represented as 0.10d (where d represents the number of dimes).

The value of each nickel is $0.05, so the value of nickels can be represented as 0.05n (where n represents the number of nickels).

Since Marshall has both dimes and nickels, we can represent the total value of his coins as the sum of the two:

0.10d + 0.05n = 1.25

Therefore, the equation that could be solved to find the possible combinations of dimes and nickels Marshall has is:

0.10d + 0.05n = 1.25