What specific word choices does Poe use in his opening sentences of the 6 stories?

Which six stories?

Please post those sentences here.

To determine the specific word choices Edgar Allan Poe uses in the opening sentences of his six stories, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the six stories you are referring to.

2. Locate the opening sentences of each story. You can find the stories in a collection of Poe's works or by conducting an online search using the titles of the stories.

3. Read each opening sentence carefully and analyze the words chosen by Poe.

4. Pay attention to any particular literary devices or techniques he employs, such as vivid imagery, personification, or repetition.

5. Take note of any unique or evocative words that stand out, as well as the overall tone and atmosphere created by the language.

By going through these steps, you will be able to identify and analyze the specific word choices Poe uses in the opening sentences of his six stories. Remember to consider the context and thematic elements of each story to gain a deeper understanding of his writing style.