The Japanese Nozomi averages 162 miles per hour. About how many miles would it take the Nozomi to travel 119 miles?

(If you could please show me how to do it)


Time = distance/speed
Speed = 162
Distance = 119

Time = 119/162
Time = 0.7345679

About 44 minutes

Let's use a proportion. Cross multiply and solve for x.

162/60 = 119/x

To calculate the time it takes for the Nozomi to travel a certain distance, we can use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

In this case, the distance is 119 miles and the speed is 162 miles per hour. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Time = 119 miles / 162 miles per hour

Now, we can perform the division to find the time it would take for the Nozomi to travel the given distance:

Time = 0.7346 hours

Next, to find out how many miles it would take the Nozomi to travel that time, we multiply the time taken by the speed:

Distance = Time * Speed

Plugging in the values, we get:

Distance = 0.7346 hours * 162 miles per hour

Calculating this, we find that the Nozomi would travel approximately 119 miles in the given time.

Therefore, it would take the Nozomi approximately 0.7346 hours to travel 119 miles.