Please ,,look the page 2 the answers

Your answers are all wrong.

Here's your original post.

Write the complete subject in each sentence.

1/The sound of the piano mixes with the sound of the voices.

2/Beautiful music floats on the evening air.

3/Their next-door neighbors hear the music.

4/mrs. Ruiz listens from her window.

5/The tired woman falls asleep listening.

Evidently you didn't learn anything from the web site I posted.

The complete subject is the simple subject plus the words that describe it.

Write the complete subject in each sentence.

1/The sound of the piano mixes with the sound of the voices.

The verb is "mixes." To find the subject, ask who or what mixes? The sound of the piano is the subject.

Please try again with the rest of the sentences.

2/Beautiful music floats on the evening air.

3/Their next-door neighbors hear the music.

4/mrs. Ruiz listens from her window.

5/The tired woman falls asleep listening.

Yes ,,thank you

2/ Beautiful music.

3/their next door neigh boors.


5/ The tired woman.


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