Hybrid Zones -where members of the two populations interbreed and produce offspring that are intermediate between the two species. This is an example of which factor of evolutionary change?

I think it is natural selection but I am really unsure. Please help me.

It seems like you're looking for confirmation on which factor of evolutionary change is illustrated by hybrid zones. While natural selection is a driving force in evolution, it may not be the most accurate answer in this case.

The correct factor of evolutionary change illustrated by hybrid zones is called "gene flow" or "migration." Gene flow occurs when individuals from different populations or species mate and produce offspring with a combination of traits from both populations. In the case of hybrid zones, members of two populations that are reproductively isolated (i.e., they typically do not interbreed with each other) come into contact and interbreed, resulting in the production of hybrid offspring.

Gene flow can have significant effects on the genetic makeup of populations. It tends to increase genetic diversity within populations as it introduces new genetic variation from other populations. However, it can also decrease genetic differences between populations as genes are exchanged through interbreeding.

So, in conclusion, hybrid zones are an example of gene flow, one of the factors of evolutionary change.