7 more than twice his age is 51.

What is the answer in a algebraic equation.

My answer is 2a + 7= 51
am i right or wrong

You are right.

You are correct. The algebraic equation that represents the given information is indeed 2a + 7 = 51, where "a" represents his age.

Your answer is partially correct. Let's break down the problem and find the correct algebraic equation.

Let's assume that "his age" is represented by the variable "a".

The problem states that 7 more than twice his age is equal to 51.

Translate "7 more than" as "+ 7" and "twice his age" as "2a":

2a + 7 = 51

So, the correct algebraic equation for this problem is indeed 2a + 7 = 51.

Therefore, you are right! Well done!