Assume s is a string of lower case characters.

Write a program that counts up the number of vowels contained in the string s. Valid vowels are: 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', and 'u'. For example, if s = 'azcbobobegghakl', your program should print:

Number of vowels: 5
For problems such as these, do not include raw_input statements or define the variable s in any way. Our automating testing will provide a value of s for you - so the code you submit in the following box should assume s is already defined.

i see you are taking the MIT online computer programming class and having trouble too!

Your program should create an array to hold the grades and display them after the program computes the average, maximum, and minimum grades

Create 3 functions. Each of these functions takes 2 parameters: the array and the array size. Note that the array size (the second parameter to each of these functions) should contain the actual number of the grades entered and not the size of the array. For example, if you create an array of 100 elements but the user enters the grades for only 10 students, the arrays size (the second parameter to each of the functions) should contain 10 and not 100. The functions are:
o Function Avg returns the average grade.
o Function Maximum returns the highest grade. o Function Minimum returns the lowest grade.

To solve this problem, you can iterate through each character in the string `s` and check if it is a vowel. If it is, you can increment a counter variable to keep track of the number of vowels found. Here's an example solution in Python:

s = 'azcbobobegghakl'
vowel_count = 0

for char in s:
if char in 'aeiou':
vowel_count += 1

print("Number of vowels:", vowel_count)

In this solution, we initialize a variable `vowel_count` to 0. Then, we iterate through each character `char` in the string `s`. If `char` is in the string `'aeiou'`, which represents the valid vowels, we increment `vowel_count` by 1. Finally, we print the value of `vowel_count`.

This solution has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the string `s`.