is it possible to have two fractions with different denominators and numerators representing the same decimal?


1/2 = 2/5 = 5/10 = 0.5

how did u get 2/5?

I made a typo! Sorry

1/2 = 2/4

That's because Ms Sue is using mathemagics

I think she slipped that 2/5 in, just to see if you are paying attention.

(clearly just a typo)

It's because for large values of 2, 2+2=5, for small values of 5.

I love it! LOL!

Yes, it is possible to have two fractions with different numerators and denominators that represent the same decimal. This occurs because fractions can be equivalent to each other, meaning they have different numbers but still represent the same value.

To find out if two fractions with different denominators and numerators represent the same decimal, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the fractions into decimal form. To do this, divide the numerator of each fraction by its denominator.

Step 2: Simplify or reduce the decimal form of each fraction. If the decimal form terminates (ends), you can stop here. However, if the decimal form is repeating, you need to identify the repeating pattern.

Step 3: Compare the decimal forms of the two fractions. If the decimal forms are the same or have the same repeating pattern, then the fractions represent the same decimal.

For example, let's compare the fractions 1/6 and 2/12:

Step 1:

1/6 = 0.166...
2/12 = 0.166...

Step 2:

Both fractions have the same decimal representation, which is 0.166... The pattern 166 repeats indefinitely.

Step 3:

Since the decimal forms of both fractions are the same and have the same repeating pattern, we can conclude that 1/6 and 2/12 represent the same decimal.

This shows that even though the numerators and denominators of the two fractions are different, they represent the same value when expressed as decimals.