Use the data in the table below to determine which sports teams have equivalent scored by two scored against ratios.

Team Scored by Scored Against
Baseball Team A 10 8
Basketball Team A 115 92
Hockey Team A 6 4

10/8 = 115/92 = 5/4

To compare the scored by to scored against ratios, we need to calculate the ratio for each sport team. The ratio can be computed by dividing the number of scores by the number of goals/points allowed.

For Baseball Team A, the scored by to scored against ratio is 10/8, which simplifies to 1.25.

For Basketball Team A, the scored by to scored against ratio is 115/92, which simplifies to 1.25 as well.

For Hockey Team A, the scored by to scored against ratio is 6/4, which simplifies to 1.5.

From the calculations, we can see that Baseball Team A and Basketball Team A have equivalent scored by to scored against ratios of 1.25.