if compound forms by ionic bonding, which is not true?

A. a positively charged atom or group of atoms attracts a negatively charged atom or group of atoms
B. the net cgare of the compound is zero
C. the compund consists of just two atoms, each of opposite charge.
D. several ions group together in a tightly packed structure

I will be happy to critique your thinking on this.

To determine which statement is not true regarding a compound formed by ionic bonding, let's analyze each option:

A. "A positively charged atom or group of atoms attracts a negatively charged atom or group of atoms."
This statement is true. In ionic bonding, a positively charged ion (cation) attracts a negatively charged ion (anion) due to electrostatic attraction.

B. "The net charge of the compound is zero."
This statement is also true. In an ionic compound, the positive and negative charges of the ions combine in a way that results in a neutral compound overall.

C. "The compound consists of just two atoms, each of opposite charge."
This statement is not true. Ionic compounds typically consist of multiple ions, not just two. For example, sodium chloride (NaCl) consists of Na+ and Cl- ions in a 1:1 ratio.

D. "Several ions group together in a tightly packed structure."
This statement is true. In an ionic compound, ions are typically arranged in a lattice structure, where the positive and negative ions are tightly packed and alternate to maintain charge balance.

Based on the analysis, the statement that is not true regarding a compound formed by ionic bonding is option C: "The compound consists of just two atoms, each of opposite charge."