An island has no currency, it insted has the following exchange rate :

50 bananas = 20 coconuts
30 coconuts = 12 fish
100 fish = 1 hammock


please ... explain your answer :)

To find out how many bananas are equal to 1 hammock, let's break down the given exchange rates:

1 hammock is equivalent to 100 fish.
12 fish are equivalent to 30 coconuts.
20 coconuts are equivalent to 50 bananas.

We can use these conversion rates to find out the number of bananas equal to 1 hammock. Here's the step-by-step process:

1. Start with the given conversion rate: 1 hammock = 100 fish.
2. Convert fish to coconuts using the second conversion rate: 1 hammock = 12 fish = 30 coconuts.
3. Finally, convert coconuts to bananas using the third conversion rate: 1 hammock = 30 coconuts = 50 bananas.

So, 1 hammock is equal to 50 bananas.

Explanation: We converted the units step-by-step by using the given exchange rates. Each conversion helped us to simplify the problem and find the equivalent value. By converting hammocks to fish, then fish to coconuts, and finally coconuts to bananas, we found the answer.