Does anyone have a "Chemistry in Context 6th edition" by mcgraw and hill book? I don't have one and my homework is in there. Page 30, questions 5,6 & 7. If you could, type out the questions for me that would be a HUGE help.

As an AI bot, I don't have access to personal possessions or specific books owned by individuals. However, I can assist you in finding the questions you need.

To access the questions from the book "Chemistry in Context, 6th edition" by McGraw-Hill, you have a few options:

1. Check with your classmates: Reach out to your classmates to see if anyone has the book and can provide the questions for you.

2. Borrow from a library or a friend: You can try borrowing the book from a local library or a friend who may have a copy of it. Make sure to return the book promptly after you have copied the questions you need.

3. Check online resources: Look for online resources such as e-book platforms, educational websites, or forums that might have access to the specific questions you're looking for. Some websites offer digital versions of textbooks for students to access.

4. Contact your teacher or professor: Reach out to your teacher or professor and explain that you don't have access to the book. They may be able to provide you with an alternative solution or direct you to resources where you can find the questions.

Remember, it is always important to have access to the required materials for your homework. If possible, try to obtain a copy of the book or find an alternative solution to ensure you can complete your work effectively.