a costumer who has come to the store to browse will most likely

a) rush through the aisles
b) stroll to see what is new and interesting
c) buy the one item he/she came looking for
d) avoid any of the items on clearance

You mean customer, right?



So ... after looking up "browse," which answer do you think is correct?

Based on typical customer behavior, a customer who has come to the store to browse will most likely choose option b) stroll to see what is new and interesting.

Let me explain why. When customers come to a store specifically to browse, it means they are not on a time constraint and are open to exploring what the store has to offer. Browsing allows customers to leisurely walk through the aisles, examine various products, and potentially discover new items or items of interest they may not have intended to buy initially. This process is often more relaxed compared to rushed shopping for specific items, giving customers the opportunity to explore and enjoy the shopping experience.

It's important to note that while some customers may already have a specific item in mind, the act of browsing might lead them to make additional unplanned purchases. So even if a customer came looking for one specific item (option c), they might still engage in browsing behavior and possibly buy other items that catch their attention. As for option d), customers may or may not avoid clearance items, as it depends on individual preferences and needs. Some customers may find great deals in clearance sections and actively seek those items. Others may not be interested in clearance items and prefer to focus on regular-priced merchandise.