A motorist was to travel from town A to town B, a distance of 80 miles. He traveled the first 24 minutes at a certain rate; traffic then increased and for the next 6 minutes he averaged 10 miles per hour less than his original speed; then traffic eased up and he traveled the remaining distance at a rate 50% greater than his original rate. He arrived 22 earlier than he would had he traveled the whole distance at his original rate. Find his original rate.


let x be the original rate (mi/min)

Let y be the time traveled at 50% faster speed.
Since distance = time*speed,

24x + 6(x-1/6) + y(1.5x) = 80
24+6+y = 80/x - 22

x = 13/16
y = 604/13

original speed = 13/16 mi/min = 48.75 mi/hr

24 min @ 13/16 mi/min = 39/2 mi
6 min @ 31/48 mi/min = 31/8 mi
remainder 453/8 mi @ 39/32 = 604/13 min
total time: 994/13 min

80/(13/16) = 1280/13

1280/13 - 994/13 = 286/13 = 22 min

strange answer, but it works.

To solve this problem, let's break it down into smaller steps.

Step 1: Identify the given information
- Total distance: 80 miles
- Time traveled at the original rate: 24 minutes
- Time traveled at a reduced rate: 6 minutes
- Time saved: 22 minutes

Step 2: Convert the given times to hours
- 24 minutes is 24/60 = 0.4 hours
- 6 minutes is 6/60 = 0.1 hours
- 22 minutes is 22/60 = 0.3667 hours

Step 3: Calculate the time traveled at the original rate
- Let's assume the original rate is 'r'.
- The time traveled at the original rate is given by: Distance / Rate
- For the first part of the journey, the distance traveled is 0.4r.

Step 4: Calculate the time traveled at the reduced rate
- The reduced rate is 10 mph less than the original rate, so it is (r - 10).
- The time traveled at the reduced rate is given by: Distance / Rate
- For the second part of the journey, the distance traveled is 0.1(r - 10).

Step 5: Calculate the time traveled at the increased rate
- The increased rate is 50% greater than the original rate, so it is (1.5r).
- The time traveled at the increased rate is given by: Distance / Rate
- For the third part of the journey, the distance traveled is 80 - (0.4r + 0.1(r - 10)).

Step 6: Set up the equation using the time saved
- The time saved is 0.3667 hours.
- Equation: Time traveled at original rate - (Time traveled at reduced rate + Time traveled at increased rate) = Time saved

Step 7: Solve the equation to find the original rate, 'r'
- Substitute the values from steps 3, 4, and 5 into the equation.
- Solve the equation for 'r'.

After following these steps, you should be able to find the original rate of the motorist.