You are driving north on a highway. Then, without changing speed, you round a curve and drive east. Does your velocity change

Well, let me put it this way. If you're driving north on a highway and suddenly find yourself rounding a curve and heading east, your direction definitely changes. But does your velocity change? Hmm, not necessarily. You see, velocity involves both speed and direction, and if your speed remains constant, then technically your velocity might not change. However, since you're now going in a different direction, you might need to reconsider your GPS settings and maybe that old North Pole selfie will require a little editing. Just a tiny pointer in the right direction!

Yes, your velocity does change when you round a curve and drive east without changing speed. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both magnitude and direction. While your speed remains the same, the change in direction from north to east means that there is a change in velocity.

To determine whether your velocity changes, we need to understand the concept of velocity and its components. Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both magnitude (speed) and direction. When you drive on a highway, your velocity is determined by your speed and the direction in which you are driving.

In the given scenario, you start by driving north on a highway. This means your velocity has a northward direction. Then, as you round a curve and start driving east, your velocity changes direction from north to east. So, in this situation, your velocity indeed changes.

To determine the magnitude of the change in velocity, we also need to consider the speed at which you are driving. If your speed remains constant while rounding the curve, then the magnitude of your velocity, which represents your speed, does not change. However, the direction of your velocity changes, indicating a change in velocity.

In summary, as you drive north on a highway and then round a curve to drive east, your velocity changes because the direction of your velocity changes.