Find last years salary if after a 3% pay raise this years salary is $35,020

so if last year's salary was x

then 1.03x = 35020

solve for x

1.03 ≠ 35020

you mean somebody with $1.03 has the same as somebody with $35020 ?

Oops. Sorry, Reiny. I'd already deleted Renne's answer before I saw yours.

ok 35020/1.03=34000 ....but where did the 1.03 come from?

figured that's what happened .

At Ann,

1.03x = 35020
x = 35020/1.03 = $34000

Last year she made $34000

check: 3% of 34000 = 1020
add it on to new the new salary

To find last year's salary given a 3% pay raise and this year's salary, we can use the following steps:

1. Start with this year's salary: $35,020
2. Determine the percentage increase by dividing the pay raise percentage by 100: 3% / 100 = 0.03
3. Calculate the pay raise amount by multiplying this year's salary by the pay raise percentage: $35,020 * 0.03 = $1,050.60
4. Subtract the pay raise amount from this year's salary to find last year's salary: $35,020 - $1,050.60 = $33,969.40

Therefore, last year's salary was $33,969.40.