
224% of 320

Please explain! :(

To estimate 224% of 320, we can break it down into two steps: finding 100% of 320 first and then calculating 224% of that result.

Step 1: Find 100% of 320
To find 100% of a number, you simply multiply it by 1. So, to find 100% of 320, you can multiply 320 by 1:

100% of 320 = 320 * 1 = 320

Step 2: Find 224% of 320
To find 224% of a number, you multiply it by the decimal equivalent of the percentage. The decimal equivalent of 224% is 2.24 (since 224% = 2.24):

224% of 320 = 320 * 2.24 = 716.8

Therefore, the estimate of 224% of 320 is approximately 716.8.

the answer is wrong because the real answer is 716.8

100% of 320 = 1.0 * 320 = 320

200% of 320 = 2.0 * 320 = 640

24% = about 1/4

What is your estimate?