Consider the sets.

A = {distinct letters in the word keep}
B = {13}
C = {k, e, p}
D = {6 + 1}
E = {seven}
F = {7}

(a) What is the cardinality of each set?

I know the cardinality for b=1

just don't know for letter A?
also want to confirm that is right..

I don't know

The cardinality of a set refers to the number of elements in that set. Here are the cardinalities of each set:

(a) Cardinality of set A: 4 (since there are 4 distinct letters in the word "keep")
Cardinality of set B: 1 (since there is only one element, which is 13)
Cardinality of set C: 3 (since there are 3 distinct letters: k, e, p)
Cardinality of set D: 1 (since there is only one element, which is 6 + 1)
Cardinality of set E: 1 (since there is only one element, which is "seven")
Cardinality of set F: 1 (since there is only one element, which is 7)

To find the cardinality of a set, we need to count the number of elements in the set.

(a) Let's find the cardinality of each set:
A = {distinct letters in the word "keep"} -> "k", "e", "p" -> there are 3 distinct letters in the set A, so the cardinality of A is 3.

B = {13} -> there is only 1 element in the set B, which is 13, so the cardinality of B is 1.

C = {k, e, p} -> there are 3 elements in the set C, which are "k", "e", and "p", so the cardinality of C is 3.

D = {6 + 1} -> the expression "6 + 1" evaluates to 7, so there is 1 element in the set D, which is 7. Therefore, the cardinality of D is 1.

E = {seven} -> there is only 1 element in the set E, which is "seven", so the cardinality of E is 1.

F = {7} -> there is only 1 element in the set F, which is 7, so the cardinality of F is 1.

To summarize:
Cardinality of A = 3
Cardinality of B = 1
Cardinality of C = 3
Cardinality of D = 1
Cardinality of E = 1
Cardinality of F = 1