Match the question with the letter of the appropriate answer pourquoi est - CE que tu e' tudies le francais

Tu viens d'ou? Comment est CE que le Prof skie? Ou est-CE que tu vas? les crêpe coutent combines? Vous allez a l' Ecole, n'est CE pas?Avec qui est- CE que tu joues au foot? Tu es le professeur match the question question with the letter appropriate answer.tres bien. Deux euros vingt-neuf. Ma seur . Parce que j'ai des parents a Canada. Des Etats-Unis.oui.please help me with this homework

The question "pourquoi est-ce que tu étudies le français?" translates to "Why do you study French?" To match the question with the letter of the appropriate answer, we need the possible answers labeled with letters. Please provide the different answer options with their corresponding letters or specify if there is a correct answer you are looking for.

If you post your answers, I'll send this post to our French expert.