in the poem o captain my caption, identify all the descriptions Whitman use to compare the war to a storm and the north to a ship .how do the words used in each separate comparison characterize the war and the north

Our ship has weathered every port

Our fearful trip is done.

Whitman is talking about the North and the long journey to peace. The bad weather refer to the tremendous hardships encountered in winning the war.

What other descriptions have you found that makes similar comparisons?

thank you ms. sue

To identify and analyze the descriptions used by Whitman in the poem "O Captain! My Captain!" to compare the war to a storm and the north to a ship, we need to carefully read and examine the poem itself. Here are the steps you can follow to find the descriptions and understand their characterization:

1. Read the poem: Begin by reading the entire poem, "O Captain! My Captain!" by Walt Whitman. This will give you an overall understanding of the poem's theme and context.

2. Identify the comparisons: Focus on the stanzas or lines where Whitman directly compares the war to a storm and the north to a ship. These comparisons should give you a hint about the descriptions used.

3. Locate the descriptions: Once you have identified the comparison stanzas, examine the specific words used by Whitman to describe both the war (storm) and the north (ship). Note down these descriptions for further analysis.

4. Characterize the war: Look closely at the descriptions used by Whitman to compare the war to a storm. How does he portray the war through his choice of words? Do the descriptions evoke feelings of chaos, destruction, or turbulence? Consider if there are any specific descriptors that emphasize these aspects.

5. Characterize the north: Similarly, analyze the descriptions used by Whitman to compare the north to a ship. How do these descriptions depict the north as a ship? Do they convey a sense of unity, structure, or direction? Look for any words that highlight these qualities.

6. Analyze the effect: The descriptions used by Whitman in each separate comparison contribute to the overall characterization of the war and the north. Reflect on how these descriptions shape your understanding of the war as a storm and the north as a ship. Consider the emotional impact these comparisons have on the reader.

By closely examining the poem and analyzing the descriptions used, you will be able to understand how Whitman characterizes the war and the north in "O Captain! My Captain!" based on the comparisons made.