You need 2b cups of flour for making b loaves of bread. You have 8 cups of flour. Do you have enough for 5 loavesof bread

b = 5

You need 2b cups of flour. 2 * 8 = 16

You do have enough for 5 loaves of bread.

To determine if you have enough flour for 5 loaves of bread, we need to compare the amount of flour needed for 5 loaves with the amount of flour you have.

You are using the variable "b" to represent the number of loaves of bread. According to the given information, you need 2b cups of flour for making b loaves of bread. So, if you want to make 5 loaves, you would need 2 multiplied by 5 cups of flour, which is a total of 10 cups of flour.

To find out if you have enough flour, compare the required amount (10 cups) with the amount you currently have, which is 8 cups. Since 8 cups is less than 10 cups, you do not have enough flour to make 5 loaves of bread.

To have enough flour for 5 loaves, you would need to either reduce the number of loaves or obtain additional flour.