The 275th prime number is 1777. What famous mathematician was born

in 1777?

Carl Friedrich Gauss

carl friedrich gauss

To find out which famous mathematician was born in 1777, we can start by searching for a list of well-known mathematicians and their birth years. One reliable source for such information is Wikipedia.

Enter "famous mathematicians" into a search engine, and the link to the corresponding Wikipedia page should be one of the top results. Click on that link to navigate to the page.

Once on the Wikipedia page, search for the section that lists mathematicians by birth year. Locate the subsection for the year 1777 and see if any mathematicians are mentioned. If there is a mathematician listed for that year, that would be the answer to the question.

If there is no mathematician mentioned for the year 1777, it is possible that no famous mathematicians were born in that year, or the information may not be readily available. In this case, you may need to search further or consult other sources to find the answer.