Please help me simplify:

*Is this correct:

The answer you get depends upon where you put the parentheses, and you don't show any. I don't see any way of coming up with your answer.

4 (sqrtx)^12/ 24 (sqrtx)^2
= (1/6) x^6/x = (x^5)/6

To simplify the expression (4sqrt(x^12))/(24sqrt(x^2)), we can combine the terms inside the square roots.

First, let's simplify the square roots:
sqrt(x^12) = sqrt((x^6)^2) = x^6
sqrt(x^2) = x

Now, substitute these simplified expressions back into the original expression:

Next, we can simplify the fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 4:

Finally, we can simplify further by canceling out one factor of x in the numerator and denominator:

Therefore, the simplified expression is (x^5)/6.