what is the domain of (square root of x) +7?

sqrt(x) + 7

Domain is the set of all possible values of x. Here, note that x is inside a squareroot radical sign and therefore cannot be less than zero.
Thus domain is all real numbers greater than or equal to zero. In symbols: [0 , +infinity)

Hope this helps :)

Thank you so much.

To find the domain of the expression (square root of x) + 7, we need to determine which values of x are allowed.

The square root function is defined for non-negative real numbers. Therefore, the expression (square root of x) is only defined when x is equal to or larger than 0.

Adding 7 to the square root of x does not affect the domain, as adding a constant to a function does not change which values of x are allowed.

Therefore, the domain of the expression (square root of x) + 7 is all real numbers greater than or equal to 0. In interval notation, it can be written as [0, +∞) or in set notation {x | x ≥ 0}.