Write two numbers so that:

-The first number is less than the second number, and
-the absolute value of the first number is greater than the absolute value of the second number.

Iwill do the second:


To find two numbers that satisfy the given conditions, we need to consider the relative magnitudes of the numbers. The first number must be less than the second number, and its absolute value must be greater than the absolute value of the second number.

Let's denote the first number as "x" and the second number as "y."

Since we are looking for a situation where the absolute value of the first number is greater than the absolute value of the second number, we can express this as |x| > |y|. Furthermore, since the first number is less than the second number, we can write this as x < y.

To find two possible numbers, we can assign any negative value to x and any positive value to y that satisfy the given conditions. For example:

Let x = -5 and y = 3
In this case, x is less than y (-5 < 3), and the absolute value of x is greater than the absolute value of y (| -5 | > | 3 |).

Alternatively, let x = -10 and y = 6
In this case, x is still less than y (-10 < 6), and the absolute value of x is greater than the absolute value of y (| -10 | > | 6 |).

Thus, two possible sets of numbers that satisfy the given conditions are (-5, 3) and (-10, 6).