Ann has $198 more than her sister. After her mom gives Ann $20 and her sister $60, Ann has twice as much money as her sister. How much money did Ann have at first?

Ann = a

Sister =s
a = s + 198
a+20 =2(s+60)

s + 198 +20 = 2s + 120
s + 218 = 2s +120
218-120= 2s -s
s = 98
Ann got $296

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step.

Let's assume the amount of money Ann's sister has as "x" dollars.
According to the given information, Ann has $198 more than her sister, so Ann's amount of money can be represented as "x + $198".

After their mom gives Ann $20 and her sister $60, Ann has twice as much money as her sister.

After receiving that money, Ann's total amount becomes "x + $198 + $20", which simplifies to "x + $218".
Similarly, her sister's total amount becomes "x + $60".

According to the second statement, after receiving the money, Ann has twice as much money as her sister, so we can create the following equation:

x + $218 = 2 * (x + $60)

Simplifying the equation:
x + $218 = 2x + $120

Now, let's solve for x:

Isolating the variables on one side of the equation, we subtract x from both sides:

$218 = x + $120

Subtracting $120 from both sides:

$218 - $120 = x

$98 = x

So, the original amount of money that Ann's sister had is $98.

To find out how much money Ann had at first, we can substitute x = $98 into the expression for Ann's money (x + $198):

Ann's original amount = $98 + $198 = $296

Therefore, Ann had $296 at first.

Let's represent the amount of money Ann had at first as "A" and the amount her sister had as "S."

According to the problem, Ann has $198 more than her sister, so we can write the equation:

A = S + 198 -- (Equation 1)

After their mom gives Ann $20 and her sister $60, Ann has twice as much money as her sister, so we can write the second equation:

A + 20 = 2(S + 60) -- (Equation 2)

Now, let's solve the system of equations to find the value of A.

Substituting Equation 1 into Equation 2, we get:

(S + 198) + 20 = 2(S + 60)
S + 218 = 2S + 120

Moving all the terms involving S to one side, we have:

2S - S = 218 - 120
S = 98

Substituting the value of S back into Equation 1, we can find the value of A:

A = 98 + 198
A = 296

Therefore, Ann had $296 at first.