together, tom and max have 72 football cards.Tom has 2 more than 4 times as many cards as Max has. How many football cards does tom have ?

Let m = Max

m + 4m + 2 = 72

5m = 70

m = 14

marnie practiced her basketball dribbling. Afte two tries, she had bounced the ball 88 times. On the second try, she had 2 fewer bounces than 8 times the number of bounces she had on the first try how many bounces did she have on the second try?


To find out how many football cards Tom has, we can set up a system of equations.

Let's assume that Max has x football cards.

According to the problem, Tom has 2 more than 4 times as many cards as Max has. So, Tom has (4x + 2) cards.

Now, we know that the total number of cards they have together is 72. Therefore, we can write the equation:

Tom's cards + Max's cards = Total cards
(4x + 2) + x = 72

Simplifying the equation:

5x + 2 = 72

Subtracting 2 from both sides:

5x = 70

Dividing both sides by 5:

x = 14

So, Max has 14 football cards.

To find how many cards Tom has, we substitute the value of x in the expression (4x + 2):

Tom's cards = 4 * 14 + 2
Tom's cards = 56 + 2
Tom's cards = 58

Therefore, Tom has 58 football cards.