How does using conflict create suspense?

In a story, conflicts create alternate has to wait until the end to find the resolution.

Interestingly enough, serious music...opera, sympnonies, sonatas do exactly the same thing...introduce a theme, make variations, introduce conflicting themes, and finally resolve. Beethoven was a master of conflict, as way Mozart.

thank you

Using conflict can create suspense in a story because it introduces obstacles or challenges that the characters must overcome. The tension and uncertainty that comes with conflicts can keep readers engaged and make them eager to find out what will happen next. Here's how conflict can create suspense:

1. Establishing Opposing Goals: Conflict arises when characters have conflicting desires, motivations, or goals. This creates a sense of competition or opposition, causing readers to wonder who will achieve their objective and how.

2. Building Emotional Stakes: Conflict often triggers strong emotions like fear, anticipation, or anxiety. By placing characters in difficult or dangerous situations, suspense is generated as readers worry about their well-being and the potential consequences of their actions.

3. Increasing Uncertainty: Conflict introduces uncertainty by challenging characters' abilities or creating obstacles that complicate their path to success. This generates suspense as readers are left unsure of the outcome and eagerly anticipate how the conflict will be resolved.

4. Heightening Tension: As conflicts escalate, tension rises. Readers become invested in the outcome and are compelled to continue reading to relieve the tension and find resolution.

To effectively create suspense using conflict, writers should carefully craft the conflicts by considering the characters' motivations, the stakes involved, and increasing the tension gradually while leaving room for unpredictability and surprises. By doing so, writers can keep readers on the edge of their seats, eager to learn the outcome.