which is least likely to be found at the poverty point site ?

a) clay cooking balls
b) spears
c) pendants
d) hand plows

Examples of all of these have been found at Poverty Point. What does your book say about these artifacts?


d, (I did it)

To determine which item is least likely to be found at the Poverty Point site, we need to understand what the Poverty Point site is and what type of artifacts have been discovered there.

1. Start by researching the Poverty Point site: The Poverty Point site is an archaeological site located in northeastern Louisiana, United States. It is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its prehistoric earthworks and artifacts.

2. Understand the purpose of the site and its chronology: The Poverty Point site is believed to have been constructed and occupied by Native American people between 1650 and 700 BCE. The site is associated with a complex society that engaged in trade and ceremonial activities.

3. Research the artifacts discovered at the Poverty Point site: Archaeologists have unearthed numerous artifacts at this site, providing insights into the daily life, culture, and technology of the ancient inhabitants. Some common artifacts found include clay cooking balls, spear points, pendants, and hand plows, among others.

4. Evaluate the likelihood of finding each item at the site: Based on the information gathered, we can assess the likelihood of finding each item:

a) Clay cooking balls: These are commonly found at archaeological sites and were used by ancient societies for cooking. Given the site's focus on daily life activities, it is likely that clay cooking balls would be found at the Poverty Point site.

b) Spears: Spears or spear points were vital tools for hunting and defense. Considering the ancient inhabitants' need for hunting and protecting themselves, it is reasonable to assume that spear points would be discovered at the site.

c) Pendants: Pendants are personal adornments commonly found in archaeological contexts. As they hold cultural and symbolic significance, it is also plausible that pendants would be present at the Poverty Point site.

d) Hand plows: Hand plows were agricultural tools used for tilling the land. As the Poverty Point site was associated with a complex society engaged in trade and food production, the presence of hand plows is quite likely.

5. Determine the least likely item: From the evaluation above, it appears that all of the listed items (a, b, c, and d) are quite likely to be found at the Poverty Point site. Therefore, it would be challenging to identify the least likely item without additional information.

Please note that the identification of artifacts and their likelihood of being discovered at archaeological sites can be subject to new discoveries and changes in our understanding over time.