what is the unit rate for 14 hours in 2 weeks?

The unit rate is 7 hours in one week.

7 hours in 1 week

I would like the break down to the answer

whats 14 hours in 2 weeks ?

To find the unit rate for 14 hours in 2 weeks, you need to divide the total number of hours by the total number of weeks.

The given information is:
- Total hours: 14 hours
- Total weeks: 2 weeks

To find the unit rate, you divide the total hours by the total weeks:
Unit Rate = Total Hours / Total Weeks

Substituting the given values:
Unit Rate = 14 hours / 2 weeks

Now, we can simplify the division:
Unit Rate = 7 hours per week

Therefore, the unit rate for 14 hours in 2 weeks is 7 hours per week.

Or it could 1 hour per day.