-3.5,-3,-v3,1,0,2/9,v5,15.3,18 my teacher said to write which ones are natural, rational, whole, integers, irrational, & real which i understand but i don't know what she means by -v3 & v5?

I am taking a wild guess that what you wrote as

v5 was really √5

numbers such as √5 and -√3 are irrational, since they cannot be written as fractions, where numerator and denominator are integers

irrational ----> not rational ----> not a ratio

The terms "-v3" and "v5" are not familiar mathematical notation. It is possible that your teacher made a typo or there is a misunderstanding. However, I can still explain the concepts of natural numbers, rational numbers, whole numbers, integers, irrational numbers, and real numbers to help you understand the classification of the given numbers.

1. Natural numbers: Natural numbers are counting numbers starting from 1, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. None of the numbers you provided (-3.5, -3, -v3, 1, 0, 2/9, v5, 15.3, 18) are natural numbers since they include fractions, decimals, and negative numbers.

2. Rational numbers: Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as a fraction (ratio) of two integers. Examples of rational numbers include integers, terminating decimals, and repeating decimals. In your list, -3, 1, 0, 2/9, 15.3, and 18 are rational numbers since they can all be expressed as a fraction or as whole numbers.

3. Whole numbers: Whole numbers are similar to natural numbers, but they include zero (0) as well. In your list, 0, 1, and 18 are whole numbers.

4. Integers: Integers are numbers that include positive and negative whole numbers, including zero. In your list, -3, 0, and 18 are integers.

5. Irrational numbers: Irrational numbers cannot be expressed as a fraction and their decimal representation goes on forever without repeating. None of the numbers you provided are irrational.

6. Real numbers: Real numbers include both rational and irrational numbers. They represent the complete set of numbers on the number line. All the numbers you provided (-3.5, -3, -v3, 1, 0, 2/9, v5, 15.3, and 18) are real numbers.

It is important to note that the terms "-v3" and "v5" might have been a typographical or communication error. If you have any doubts, it would be best to clarify with your teacher for accurate information.