What is (-3+ the square root of -25) - (4+ square root of -16)

the product of 8 and a number is 56, what is 2 less than the number?

Your problem:

(-3 + √-25) - (4 + √-16)

Working this out:

-3 + 5i - 4 - 4i

-7 + i

And that's as far as you can go to simplify here.

I hope this will help.

To solve the expression (-3 + √-25) - (4 + √-16), we need to simplify each term separately before subtracting them.

Let's start with the first term, -3 + √-25. To find the square root of -25, we need to express it in terms of the imaginary unit i, where i is defined as the square root of -1.

√-25 = √(25 * -1) = √25 * √-1 = 5i

Therefore, -3 + √-25 becomes -3 + 5i.

Moving on to the second term, 4 + √-16. Similar to before, we express the square root of -16 in terms of i.

√-16 = √(16 * -1) = √16 * √-1 = 4i

Hence, 4 + √-16 simplifies to 4 + 4i.

Now, we can subtract these two simplified terms:

(-3 + 5i) - (4 + 4i)

Combine the real numbers and the imaginary numbers separately:

-3 - 4 + (5i - 4i)

Simplify further:

-7 + i

Therefore, the expression (-3 + √-25) - (4 + √-16) simplifies to -7 + i.

Following the same instructions, we can solve the second problem:

The product of 8 and a number is 56. Let's denote the number as x.

8 * x = 56

To find the value of x, we divide both sides of the equation by 8:

x = 56 / 8

Simplifying the right side gives:

x = 7

To find 2 less than the number, we subtract 2 from the value of x:

7 - 2 = 5

Therefore, 2 less than the number is 5.