I have one more:

Identify the capitalized part of the sentence.

As well as being a competent secretary, Marilyn has become the informal staff COUNSELOR.


direct object
indirect object
predicate noun
predicate adjective

Which one do YOU THINK is correct?

If you're not sure, look up each of the terms here:


Then let us know what you think it is.

To identify the capitalized part of the sentence, you need to understand the different parts of speech and their functions in a sentence. In this case, the capitalized part "COUNSELOR" is a common noun that functions as a predicate nominative or subject complement.

To identify the specific word or words consistently capitalized in a sentence, you need to look for proper nouns or proper adjectives. Proper nouns are specific names of people, places, organizations, or things. Proper adjectives are derived from proper nouns and are used to describe or modify a common noun.

In the given sentence, "COUNSELOR" is not a proper noun or proper adjective as it is not capitalized due to being a specific name or derived from one. Therefore, it can be identified as a common noun, which is a general name for a person, place, thing, or idea.