Area of rectangle = xy

= x�ã(4r^2 - x^2)

Take the derivative. I am having trouble with the algebra.

x *(4r^2 - x^2)^-1/2

Sorry. I'm having trouble with the font. Here is the correct equation.

Area of rectangle = xy

=x *(4r^2 - x^2)^1/2

Using the product rule

d(area)/dx = x(1/2)(4r^2-x^2)^(-1/2)(-2x) + (4r^2-x^2)^(1/2)
= -x^2(4r^2-x^2)^(-1/2) + (4r^2-x^2)^(1/2)
= (4r^2-x^2)^(-1/2)[-x^2 + 4r^2-x^2]
= (4r^2 - 2x^2)(4r^2-x^2)^(-1/2)

you will probably set this equal to zero
to solve
4r^2 - 2x^2 = 0

Thank you. It makes so much sense now.

To find the derivative of the expression, you can use the product rule and the chain rule. Let's break down the steps:

Step 1: Apply the product rule
The product rule states that for two functions u(x) and v(x), (u * v)' = u' * v + u * v'. In this case, let u(x) = x and v(x) = (4r^2 - x^2). Applying the product rule:

d/dx (x * (4r^2 - x^2)) = (d/dx(x)) * (4r^2 - x^2) + x * (d/dx(4r^2 - x^2))

Step 2: Simplify the derivatives
The derivative of 'x' with respect to 'x' is simply 1, and the derivative of '4r^2 - x^2' with respect to 'x' can be found using the chain rule. Let's break it down further:

d/dx (4r^2 - x^2) = d/dx(4r^2) - d/dx(x^2)

The derivative of a constant (like 4r^2) with respect to 'x' is 0. Then, applying the chain rule on 'x^2', we get:

d/dx (4r^2 - x^2) = 0 - d/dx(x^2) = -2x

Step 3: Final derivative
Substituting the simplified derivatives back into the product rule equation:

(1) * (4r^2 - x^2) + x * (-2x) = 4r^2 - x^2 - 2x^2 = 4r^2 - 3x^2

Therefore, the derivative of xy with respect to x is 4r^2 - 3x^2.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the algebraic steps involved!