How did planetesmals form planets?

The answer is B <3 Yw^^

They collide, grow larger by sticking together, and eventually combine to form planets.

They collided and stuck together.

Planetesimals played a crucial role in the formation of planets in the early stages of our solar system. Let me explain the process step by step:

1. Nebula: Planets are formed from a cloud of dust and gas known as a nebula. This nebula consists of various elements and compounds, such as hydrogen, helium, and heavier elements like carbon, oxygen, and iron.

2. Accretion: Within the nebula, gravity causes the particles to come together in a process called accretion. Particles collide and stick together due to their mutual gravitational attraction. As collisions continue, the clumps grow larger, eventually becoming planetesimals.

3. Planetesimal Formation: Planetesimals are small celestial bodies ranging in size from meters to kilometers. These are essentially the building blocks of planets. Due to accretion, when enough particles gather together, these planetesimals become more massive than the smaller pieces around them.

4. Protoplanetary Disk: As more planetesimals form, they contribute to the growth of protoplanetary disks. These disks are made up of gas, dust, and rocky material orbiting around a central star, like our Sun.

5. Planet Formation: Over time, the planetesimals continue to collide and merge, forming larger objects known as protoplanets. Through further accretion, protoplanets gain even more mass and become the solid cores of the future planets.

6. Clearing the Disk: As the protoplanets grow, they begin to clear their orbits of remaining gas and dust, causing the protoplanetary disk to dissipate slowly. This process is influenced by the protoplanets' gravity and the disk's interactions with the surrounding environment.

7. Final Planet Formation: Once the protoplanetary disk is mostly dissipated, the leftover protoplanets go through various processes to become fully-fledged planets. These processes include further accretion, gravitational interactions, and sometimes even collisions with other protoplanets. The end result is a system of planets orbiting a star.

It's important to note that this explanation of planetesimal formation and planet formation is based on current scientific understanding, but ongoing research continues to refine our knowledge and uncover new insights.