a great dress is on the discount rack and you would love it for prom. the rack is marked 25%off the lowest price and you have a coupon for an extra 15% off. if the dress is marked $125, how much will you pay for it?

What would be your answer after all these problems?

Come on, Taylor. You can do this.

I'll be glad to check your answer.

ok is it 75

No. Please try again.

idk im lost

What is your first step?

1. Multiply the original price by 0.25.

2. Subtract your answer from 125.

What do you get?

Ok u should just add the per cents and u would get 40% so 40 in a decimal is 0.4 and divide that by 125 and u would get 36.25 so u would pay $36.25

No, Mia. You're wrong. Your answer is way off.

To calculate the final price of the dress with both the discount rack and the coupon, follow these steps:

1. Calculate the discount from the discount rack:
The dress is marked $125 on the discount rack, and it is marked 25% off the lowest price. This means you need to calculate 25% of $125.
25% of $125 = $125 * 0.25 = $31.25

Subtract this discount from the original price:
$125 - $31.25 = $93.75

2. Apply your coupon discount:
You have a coupon for an additional 15% off. Calculate 15% of $93.75.
15% of $93.75 = $93.75 * 0.15 = $14.06

Subtract this coupon discount from the discounted price:
$93.75 - $14.06 = $79.69

Therefore, you will pay $79.69 for the dress after applying both the discount from the discount rack and your coupon.