Class ring:$89

Group discount:17%
Sales tax:5%

make sure to calculate the discount price first and then calculate the tax round to the nearest penny

What do YOU think you should do?

idk i am really lost is it 77.56 idk can you please help me

Yay! You are absolutely right. The final cost is $77.56

thank you

We need a 17% discount. We need a 5% discount as well. These discounts are on something valued at $89.

If you have a 17% discount, it means you get 100/100 - 17/100 = 83/100 off the original price.

In the same way, if you have a 5% discount, it means you have a 100/100 - 5/100 = 95/100 off the original price.

Combining these together, you multiply 83/100 * 95/100 * 89 dollars.
What is this equal to?

You're welcome.

John -- The 5% is not a discount but a tax.

Oh right, I'm sorry.



To calculate the discount price, we need to find 17% of the original price.

Step 1: Convert the discount percentage to a decimal.
17% = 17/100 = 0.17

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the original price to find the discount amount.
Discount amount = 0.17 * $89 = $15.13 (rounded to the nearest penny)

Step 3: Subtract the discount amount from the original price to get the discounted price.
Discounted price = $89 - $15.13 = $73.87

Now, let's calculate the sales tax. First, we need to find 5% of the discounted price.

Step 4: Convert the sales tax percentage to a decimal.
5% = 5/100 = 0.05

Step 5: Multiply the decimal by the discounted price to find the tax amount.
Tax amount = 0.05 * $73.87 = $3.69 (rounded to the nearest penny)

Step 6: Add the tax amount to the discounted price to get the final price.
Final price = $73.87 + $3.69 = $77.56 (rounded to the nearest penny)

Therefore, the final price after applying the 17% discount and 5% sales tax is $77.56.