Jim paddles from one shore of a lake three miles wide at 4 mph, and John paddles from the opposite shore at 5 mph. How long will they travel before they meet?

(A). 20 minutes
B. 3 hours
C. 27 minutes
D. 1 hour, 24 minutes

How many feet are there in 24 yards?
A. 288
(B). 72
C. 8
D. 2



To find the answer to the first question, we need to calculate the time it takes for Jim and John to meet.

Since Jim paddles at a speed of 4 mph and the lake is 3 miles wide, it will take him 3 miles / 4 mph = 0.75 hours to cross the lake.

Similarly, John paddles at a speed of 5 mph, so it will take him 3 miles / 5 mph = 0.6 hours to cross the lake.

To find the total time it takes for them to meet, we add their individual times: 0.75 hours + 0.6 hours = 1.35 hours.

Since the answer choices are given in different units of time, we need to convert hours to minutes.

To convert 1.35 hours to minutes, we multiply by 60: 1.35 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 81 minutes.

Therefore, the correct answer is C. 27 minutes.

Now, to answer the second question, we need to convert yards to feet.

One yard is equal to 3 feet, so to find the number of feet in 24 yards, we multiply 24 yards * 3 feet/yard = 72 feet.

Therefore, the correct answer is (B) 72.