An employee working at an electronics store earned $3582 for working 3 months during the summer. What did the employee earn for the first two months?

I got $2388
I used a proportion and got 3582/3=x/2
solve for x
then i divided 2388/3 and got my answer

I got 2190.

I cross multiplied using 3582/3 and x/2 and i got 3x and 7164 then divided by 3 to get x alone so that it is 7164/3 and i got 2388

$2388 is correct.

I don't know about your last statement.

If a chain link fence costs $180 for 20 feet installed, how much would it cost to install 300 feet?


Your solution is correct! To find out how much the employee earned for the first two months, you can set up a proportion using the information given:

Let x be the amount earned for the first two months.

Then, the proportion can be set up as follows:

3582/3 = x/2

To solve for x, you can cross-multiply:

3 * x = 3582 * 2

3x = 7164

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3:

x = 7164/3

x ≈ 2388

So, the employee earned approximately $2388 for the first two months. Your method of using a proportion and solving for x was correct!

Oh my last statement I divided 7164/3