Explain how 0.5 and 0.05 are NOT equivalent

(a) 1001/100


To understand why 0.5 and 0.05 are not equivalent, we need to look at their decimal representations.

0.5 is written as 0.5, which means it represents 5 tenths or half of a unit.

On the other hand, 0.05 is written as 0.05. This decimal represents 5 hundredths or only a small fraction of a unit.

Despite both numbers having a zero followed by a 5, the position of the digit after the decimal point determines the value. In 0.5, the 5 is in the tenths place, while in 0.05, the 5 is in the hundredths place.

Therefore, 0.5 is a larger value compared to 0.05 because it represents half of a unit, while 0.05 represents only a small fraction of a unit.

0.5 means 5 tenths or 1/2

$0.50 = 50 cents

0.05 means 5 hundredths or 5/100 or 1/20
$0.05 = 5 cents