
-Psychodynamic Theory
-Trait Theory
-Learning Theory
-Humanistic Theory

A. Individualism versus collectivism
Ans: sociocultural

B. Popular theorist Eysenck initiated the five-factor model.
Ans: Humanistic Theory

c. The healthy personality is found in balancing the social self with the individual self.

d. Genetics determine the traits for a healthy personality, but how those traits are expressed are influenced by learning experiences, development of skills, and the ability to choose our own actions.
Ans: Trait theory

e. Popular theorists include Maslow and Rogers.
Ans: psychodynamic Theory

A. Individualism versus collectivism

Ans: sociocultural Right

B. Popular theorist Eysenck initiated the five-factor model.
Ans: Humanistic Theory Nope.

c. The healthy personality is found in balancing the social self with the individual self.
Ans:Sociocultural Can there be one theory for two different situations?

d. Genetics determine the traits for a healthy personality, but how those traits are expressed are influenced by learning experiences, development of skills, and the ability to choose our own actions.
Ans: Trait theory Nope.

e. Popular theorists include Maslow and Rogers.
Ans: psychodynamic Theory Nope.

I already posted these websites with your answers.

compare and contrast humanistic and trait theories

To match the given options with their corresponding theories, we can analyze the descriptions provided for each option and identify which theory aligns with it.

A. Individualism versus collectivism
Description: This refers to the emphasis on individual freedom and autonomy versus collective/group orientation.
Match: Sociocultural Theory

B. Popular theorist Eysenck initiated the five-factor model.
Description: Referring to Eysenck's contribution to a specific model.
Match: Trait Theory

C. The healthy personality is found in balancing the social self with the individual self.
Description: Emphasizing the importance of finding a balance between the individual self and the social/environmental influences.
Match: Humanistic Theory

D. Genetics determine the traits for a healthy personality, but how those traits are expressed are influenced by learning experiences, development of skills, and the ability to choose our own actions.
Description: Highlighting the role of genetics in determining traits, while also acknowledging the influence of learning, skills development, and personal choices.
Match: Learning Theory

E. Popular theorists include Maslow and Rogers.
Description: Mentioning specific theorists.
Match: Psychodynamic Theory

These matches demonstrate which theory aligns with each given description.